Absolute Proof: Exposing Election Fraud and the Theft of America

4 years ago

Views since Feb 5, 2021: 3,904,803 until Rumble reset it. They emailed me and said "Used for Personal Use" videos views are no longer tracked.

Deleted by Vimeo & YouTube shortly after it was posted/released on February 5, 2021.

More fraud data & reports resources: https://theamericanreport.org/2021/01/03/proof-positive-coordinated-cyberwarfare-attack-against-us-by-china-russia-iran-iraq-pakistan-to-steal-election-from-trump/

Thank you https://MichaelJLindell.com for embedding this post for viewers around the world over the premiere weekend!

Here's Mike's interview on our local radio station's talk show: https://www.standupforthetruth.com/?s=mike+lindell

THIS IS COOL: Support Mike at his new store https://www.mypillow.com/mystore - Use promo code "frank" to save big bucks. Fight back the CANCEL CULTURE attempting to stop Mike's voice!

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