Cra-Cra Crazy Times

3 years ago

What A Freaking Jungle Out There! How do we navigate these cra-cra crazy times? Pillars of our leadership are falling everywhere. God is exposing and expunging illegitimate corrupted authority. Who do we believe? The news media are no longer journalists, they are political propogandists. Shut Of Main Stream Media! No more fake reality and false narrative. I guess that is a good thing. It is turning us all back to the voice of Truth, to God’s Voice. We can’t navigate through the jungle of this age without Him and we should have been listening to Him all along. We need His discernment. We need to hear His reality of truth first. Definitely a JUNGLE out there, dense with deception. Listen up to God: Isaiah 30:21 When you turn to the right or turn to the left, you will hear his voice behind you to guide you, saying, “This is the right path; follow it.” Isaiah 30:21 There is never a time where we are not navigated by God. He has not left us here alone to make our own way, He is our Way-Maker God. Listen Up! Dig Deeper:

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