Spirit UP Feb 7 - 13, 2021

3 years ago

This Week’s Mantra:
I surrender to greater harmony and peace that comes with change.

No matter how difficult your struggle…
No matter how disruptive sudden changes in your life feel...
The fact that you choose to align to your spiritual nature helps you see BEYOND those who NEVER acknowledge their Divinity.


We continue the journey of increasing (and tense) Universal energy this week.
Symptoms from this energy may include moments of agitation, frustration, energy drain, and an overall “tightness” in your body.

I've got your back. I'm including an Energy Release Exercise for you (3:13 timestamp).

Soul-alignment is a daily choice (often moment-to-moment decisions) that align with something better, and good, and feelings that you often must follow on faith alone.

It takes work (and sometimes sacrifice, too).
Awesome—AWE-mazing—Wonderful things for your life never start with ease and convenience.
They never have.
Please remember this.

This week, I’m sharing an Energy Release Exercise you can easily add to your serenity practice (as I discussed in last week’s soul coaching) to help you…

--->>> Release lower vibrating energy AND usher in higher frequency energy to help carry you in the coming weeks.

--->>> It’ll help you bring physicality to the energy (amplifying the energy) to help you move FORWARD and TOWARD greater things ahead (even if you don’t know what that is just yet).

--->>> It’ll also help you feel SUPPORTED

--->>> The energy release exercise begins at the 3:14 timestamp.

The tension energy continues to swell in the coming weeks thanks to planetary transitions like Mercury In Retrograde (among others as I share inside your daily energy reports).

And finally…

Remember this when you feel wound-up tight!!

For the catapult to fling anything forward and far, a lot of tension is required.

Sending you so much love…
Explore, Expand, Enjoy!

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