Washington: Seattle, Seafair and Seattle waterfront 2017

3 years ago

Seafair is a Seattle event held every year in Late August. It involves the entire region, with navy ships coming to dock at the Seattle water front, Hydroplane races on Lake Washington, the Blue Angles put on an air show over Lake Washington, on Saturday and Sunday, for this, both of the floating Bridges need to be shut down for a few hours so the low flying airplanes and super loud noises don’t cause accidents on the bridges. Because the bridges are shut down, you can walk out onto the freeway to see the Blue Angles fly by. Then there’s the Hydroplane races on Lake Washington, whoo,, uh. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, please look in the links below. It’s too hard to explain.
In Seattle, there is a Parade on Sunday night which is a really big event, I hear. Never seen it in person.
Then it’s the Big Navy ships in town for a few days. Beautiful big ships, and tens of thousands of sailors invading the area looking for a good time. Some of the ships offer free tours, we decided to go tour one of the big ships. It was a lot of fun. I hope you enjoy the slideshow.

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Hydroplane races

Seafair navy boats or Fleet Week

Navy Blue Angels

For Music: www.Elements.envato.com

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