4 years ago

Symbologist Michael Feeley, who has himself been referred to as the ‘Real DA Vinci Code’, is going to take you on a journey to the very heart of the secrets of the Church.

Who created Christianity, what was said at the council of Nicaea and why did Emperor Constantine remove at least 45 books from the bible in 325AD?

Christianity, Jehovah’s witnesses, Judaism et al are all based on the fertility cults and phallus cults of the ancient serpent priests who engaged in a different kind of Holy Communion and what you are about to find out during this 5th anniversary watchers talk event will change your view of the drinking of the wine that represents the blood of Christ and the eating of the bread that represents his flesh forever, in fact it may make you repulse!

Who was the alleged wife of Christ, known as Mary Magdalene, who some say birthed two of Christ’s children, and what is the Holy Grail? And who was Christ?

From the Levites to the true Hebraic translations of the Holy Scriptures, this will be a talk with a difference and the Vatican is already assembling the Swiss Guard...

If encoded secrets are your thing then this talk will be your thing!
See you in secret halls of the temple - for a depth of knowledge that the Church doesn’t want you to know...

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