Into The Weeds

4 years ago

We thought we could handle it. No. It did not quite work out that way. There is one stop gap that we continuously fall into, our human condition. We human beings are not very good at supremacy. Why? Because it is not ours. Supremacy belongs to the Supreme King of the Universe, Jesus Christ. We don’t do supremacy well, because our human condition, it has this tendency to serve no power higher than self and this corrupt way of illegitimate authoritative behavior, it absolutely corrupts us. Yes, after all kinds of mucky water goes under the bridge as we destroy each other to get ahead, we go into the weeds and the flow of our deplorable actions creates a current of hate that crush the life out of common sense, compassion and civility from nation to nation. Yeah. Real good are we human beings. Not! Only God can handle Supremacy well and we need to shake off all illegitimate supremacy from our lives, turn our lives back to God and position ourselves underneath His Rulership of love. This is when life is good. #DigDeeper

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