First True Leaf (by Monica Jensen, produced by Blake Brandes, (c) 2021)

3 years ago

Sometimes justice is delayed. Many of us in our lives at times have experienced people who are doing the wrong thing seeming to win and gain favor. This song is a reminder that ultimately, we all reap what we sow. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest! (Galatians 6:9) If we sow good seeds in our lives, the seeds will grow to be good plants. When the first sprouts come up though, it's hard to tell what's what. We wait so long to see the sprouts of first growth. Then the question is, "Which are the weeds?” The first time I started my own garden (spring of 2020- the inspiration for the song in early May), I was worried that those sprouts which were the weeds were going to choke my plants out. But then I learned that the weeds and plants look alike for a time- it's confusing. Also, the weeds help enrich the soil for a time. Then, one day, the first true leaf emerges as different from the rest. That's when the weeds are then recognizable as different. Then the weeds can be pulled to avoid them choking out the plants. Wow! What depth to the metaphor! Challenge actually enriches the growth in our lives!!! But it's not meant to last, so don't be discouraged. The plant is meant to grow free of the weeds eventually!
For those of you who read the Bible, check out Psalm 37.
This song has been in the works of production for many months. I thought it would be coming out this it is! I'm working on my CDBAby registration, but I wanted to get this out sooner- rather than waiting another week or two. So, it's not on Amazon or iTunes yet. Coming soon.....

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