Dry Falls NC - Out There! Short Tales!

3 years ago

Sometimes on the way to premier locations we find stops along the way. In the mountains this can range from random overlooks beside highways that lead to waterfalls or hiking trails like the Appalachian Trail. Or the overlooks themselves here are just breathtaking. But you can only get so much film and photos in these small locations. These usually become Out There! Short Tales!. These are smaller videos that our audience seems to like a lot more than the 20 mins videos so it works out pretty well. This is one of our first... It may be the first. Short Tales! on the Out There! Channel.. We hope you enjoy and the original description can be found below. Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss the hours of nature footage we have coming your way!!

-Out There!

In the Nantahala National Forest. Off Hwy 64 near Highlands, NC less than one mile from Bridal Veil Falls (yeah the falls from the movie 'The Last of The Mohicans') is an 80 ft waterfall along the Cullasaja River called 'Dry Falls'. Named such because of the space behind the falls where you are able to view the cascading water without getting wet! 40 feet of the falls is free-falling and it is a part of a series of falls down this river including 'Bust Your Butt Falls' which is featured in this video as well. During a good rain spell you can't stay too dry behind the falls and in the winter ice forms along the sides of the falls. And as usual, during fall in the mountains the changing of the leaves adds to the beauty of the falls. The walkway down is fully paved and the parking area is located just off the highway. (nobody seems to mention the pay fee for use by the National Forest....) But it is a beautiful fall and well worth a visit plus as you can see in the video there is a popular swimming hole just a few mins drive down from Dry Falls. There are always more popular and less popular falls to swim in here in the mountains depending on what you are looking for.

This series called 'Out There! Short Tales' hopes to get more footage from falls such as this and shorter hikes here in the mountains.. So look forward to more 'Short Tales' if that is the kind of thing you are looking for. Hope to see your subscription today!

All music is used under Royalty Free license through Storyblocks from the Camtasia Asset Library which you can find here:

Original YouTube Upload: https://youtu.be/Se9mhsrgxNU

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