The Democrats are pulling off the greatest conspiracy in American history

4 years ago

Many Conservatives have been spending the last several months yelling from the rooftops about Election Fraud and the stolen Election of 2020. What we have to remember, however, is that this is a conspiracy that's been in play for decades, if not the entire last century. America is the greatest nation in the history of the world, bringing more freedom, liberty and opportunity to the planet than any society ever. Because of this, we've had a huge target on our back from the Communists, Socialists and Marxists who want to destroy our nation from within. Well folks, we're witnessing that come to fruition right before our eyes!

The Left has systematically infiltrated and taken over every aspect of American society... education, entertainment, media, church, business, tech, finance and politics. While Conservatives are only looking at their next move, the Marxists have been game-planning and strategizing the next hundred moves, looking 10, 20 or even 50 years down the road. They've been playing the long-game, while we've been only focused on the here-and-now.

Well folks, it's time that we say ENOUGH! Our nation is literally being destroyed, and there's not a whole lot we can do about that as long as the Democrats have power. We've got to understand what we are going up against, and there's many Republicans that still have no clue. This has been one giant conspiracy by our globalist enemies to infiltrate America and destroy us from within. If we want any chance of turning things around, we have to get smart, be strategic and link arms with fellow Conservatives as we systematically take back our country.

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