Learn New Skills Quickly - A FAST Approach To Gaining Know-How! @TenTonOnline

3 years ago

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Show Notes:

- Online business guide (free download!): 7 Steps To Profits! https://www.tentononline.com/7-steps-to-profits/

- Domain registration: https://10tn.tips/domain

- Solid web hosting (with discount!): https://10tn.tips/hosting

- Business-grade email: https://10tn.tips/email

- Best email marketing service: https://10tn.tips/email-marketing

- Best website builder: https://10tn.tips/web-builder

- Top web and marketing tools and services: https://10tn.tips/tools

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Everyone seeks comfort and security, right? It's hardwired into us. Yet those who are able to push themselves and reach their goals in business and in life have one unique characteristic.

And that is, the ability to be uncomfortable. Picture it like this: Imagine there are two concentric circles -- one circle inside another...like a target. The inner circle is your comfort zone. The outer circle is the unknown...discomfort, pain, uncertainty.

Most people live the majority of their lives in their comfort zones. A dead-end job is in the comfort zone. "Playing" business without actually getting out there and making sales is in the comfort zone. "Busy work" is the comfort zone.

It's safe in the comfort zone. It's known, warm, and fuzzy. Problem is, in the short term it doesn't lead anywhere. And in the long term it leads off a cliff in one way or another.

People who get the most out of life, who are striving for worthy goals and objectives are able to get themselves to venture into the outer circle of the unknown.

...even though it's very uncomfortable, even though it's scary, even though it's painful...they do it anyway. And you know what? At first, they make all kinds of mistakes. They mess up. They fail over and over.

And that makes perfect sense -- they're doing something outside of the world of the known. How could they be good at something that's unknown and uncomfortable for them?

People who reach their goals in life and in business are willing to put themselves through temporary discomfort in order to get what they're striving for.


TONS more at https://www.tentononline.com/blog

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