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2nd Amendment: Full Meaning

4 years ago

Hello fellow Patriots! Before anything, always know that God loves you and has a plan for your life! THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!
The 2nd amendment is largely misunderstood or is inadequately understood. It has fallen under grievous attack for decades because it is a threat to the deep state enemies of freedom and the evil agenda that they are imposing on all Americans.
In this video I cover the 2nd amendment as a whole and dissect its many parts for a full understanding of the scope of our rights and the importance to the American people. Citizen soldiers were paramount to our success in the Revolutionary War which won our freedom from tyranny and citizen soldiers are paramount to the maintaining of our freedom for current tyranny.
It is necessary for the citizen soldiers (We The People) to keep and bear arms and equipment as well as training equal to the current military. This is what it means to be well regulated. Training is crucial to the success of citizen soldiers. In future videos we will cover a plethora of valuable training that I have received and imparted in my prior military and current law enforcement career. Stay tuned for more content, I will get it out as often as my schedule will allow.
Until then, be well – stay trained – and always be true!

We live in a fallen world. Many ask, “How could God allow [this] to happen if He is good?”. The answer remains in the fact that we live in a world fallen. The fact is that God did not allow [this] to happen, WE did! Whatever [this] is, it was allowed by mankind. We are the fallen in need of a RISEN Savior.
There is a difference between religion and relationship. Far too often, there are those peddling religion under the guise of Christianity. For this reason, I identify as a Christ-follower. I pray daily that you would find relationship instead of religion. There are many “false Christians” that unfortunately have given Christ-followers a bad name and have turned people away from accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Despite this, please get to know Him today.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the second person of the Godhead: The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Son of God left his royal status at the right hand of The Father to live a human life. He was all God in His perfection and all human in His mortality. At birth, He was named Jesus. Jesus lived as a human who committed no sin even though He endured all the temptations that we go through. He died a death on the cross of which the gruesomeness has never been equaled. He went through pain which we could not possibly comprehend. Jesus died on a cross and was laid in a borrowed tomb. After three days, He breathed the breath of life once more having defeated death, hell, and the grave on our behalf. Jesus ascended back to the right hand of The Father and poured out the Holy Spirit on all who would accept Him. Please accept Him today.
In these uncertain times, accepting Jesus Christ into your life is the greatest and most enduring prep that you can make. All you have to do is confess and acknowledge that you have fallen, acknowledge your belief in Him as Lord and Savior and ask Him to be just that. There is no magic phrase, there is no action that needs to take place, only that of your confession, acknowledgement, your request, and your acceptance. When you have done this, you are saved by the Most High God of Heaven and Earth and the King of the world. I welcome you as my brother or sister in Christ!


  • 0/2000
  • I love the idea of a warrior in a garden!! I want to be trained to do that! Great video!

  • The most powerful thing you can be armed with is knowledge, the most beneficial action is training, the most accurate ammunition is truth and the most abundant resource is Jesus Christ. #NCSWIC #TBIYTC #TOGODBETHEGLORY