Get your free trademark search and registrability opinion from Trademark Factory®

3 years ago

Congratulations on your decision to protect your brand.

I’m Andrei Mincov, the founder of Trademark Factory®. And THIS is step 1 of the Trademark Factory® system.

Here we’ll help you figure out if your brand is trademarkable.

Instead of trying to overwhelm you with how much I know about trademarks, let me just briefly describe what you will be getting at this stage.

Just because you couldn’t find any previously registered trademarks that are the same as yours doesn’t necessarily mean that your brand is trademarkable.

A trademark is only registrable if it meets three requirements:

1. It must be capable of distinguishing your products and services from identical or similar products and services of everyone else;

2. It must not fall under one of the several limitations set out in the Trademarks Act.

3. And finally, it must not be confusingly similar with another previously used or registered trademark or a trade name.

Don’t worry if this sounds complicated. You don’t need to become an expert at trademarking to protect your brand. That’s why we’re here to hold your hand every step of the way!

ALL you need to do is fill out the form below, and we’ll take it from here.

If you watched the video on the home page, you already know that what you’re getting is not just an automated database search. You can easily find those online. The problem is that most business owners don’t know how to properly interpret the results they’re getting.

With Trademark Factory®, you’re getting real people, trademark agents and attorneys, do the search manually for you, analyze the results, and walk you through the registrability report over the phone. This way, you are not just getting a list of identical and similar trademarks, you are getting clarity as to whether your trademarks can be registered.

Simple as that!

That’s what most other firms are charging $200 - $300 for.

You get this for free, risk-free, with no strings attached. Is this a great deal or what?

Even if you are just THINKING about a new brand, don’t worry. This is completely confidential. I guarantee that we will never use or disclose your information against your interests. Trust me, you will be in good hands with us.

So go ahead, fill out the form, list the trademarks you are thinking of registering. If you are considering several alternatives, feel free to list them all. If you have logos, you can upload them as well.

Next, let us know what products and services you are planning to offer under these brands. This is really important. Similar trademarks may coexist if they are being used in completely different industries. So for us to do a proper search, we need to know which products and services you are offering or are planning to offer in the future. If you have a website where we can read more about your business, let us know what it is.

Also, make sure you tell us if you want us to do the search in Canada, U.S., or both.

When you fill out the form below, you will receive an email asking you to confirm your request, so watch your inbox for an email with a confirmation link.

Expect to hear from us within 2 days.

Really looking forward to working with you and remember: If it remarkable, it’s trademarkable!

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