THE PATH TO 911--Join the online private viewing for the 10th anniversary, this September

3 years ago

Here it is, everyone...the trailer for THE event this year: THE PRIVATE ONLINE VIEWING OF "THE PATH TO 911" in its entirety, over three nights, with special question/answer periods after each night with those involved in the making of the movie AND the ensuing controversy. Spread the word, I'll be posting a web page for this, info will be here and at my website...DON'T LOOK THE OTHER WAY, AMERICA...HAVEN'T WE DONE THAT ENOUGH? LOOK WHERE IT'S GOTTEN US? DOES A BUILDING HAVE TO FALL ON US FOR US TO GET IT...AGAIN? Borrow some balls, look up the word "man," and play "Let's pretend" people...remember who you are! For the actions of Tom Borelli in going to a Disney shareholder meeting and offering Iger $40 million for the distribution rights, on the spot, go here:​ and listen to the tape here:​ ., contact the WARCHICK at, hate mail mocked and ridiculed openly, so bring it on.

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