Rochester Police Pepper Spray 9-year-old, Trump's Impeachment Defense Team, Crowder Sues Facebook

3 years ago

The Rochester police, already made infamous in the death of Daniel Prude are at it again, this time with a 9-year old girl. Donald Trump loses impeachment defense lawyers and gains others. Steven Crowder to sue Facebook over social media limitations. And more! Join criminal defense lawyer Robert F. Gruler to discuss the latest legal, political and criminal news, including:

• Press Secretary Jenn Psaki says Biden Administration continuing to work to reduce hate speech online
• Steven Crowder to file lawsuit again Facebook for removing election night stream
• Project Veritas leaks Mark Zuckerberg message to Facebook Employees
• Trump assembles impeachment defense team - we review his new lawyers
• Rochester officers handcuff and pepper spray a 9-year-old girl
• 2-part body cam review of Rochester police department domestic disturbance call
• Rochester police union president Mike Mazzeo addresses the incident
• Rochester mayor Lovely A. Warren responds to incident with calls for change• As always, your questions and live chat after the news!

The show starts at 5pm AZ time (4pm PT, 6pm Central, 7pm ET).
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#WatchingtheWatchers #RochesterPD #Impeachment #Trump #Crowder #LwC #ProjectVeritas #PepperSpray #PoliceBrutality #Justice #BadPop

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