The girl and the beautiful duckling

3 years ago

To illustrate the importance of children owning pets, it should be noted that many are still unaware of the benefits that can be achieved for children from raising pets. Some pets are able to understand many words that children of different ages use. These animals can interpret the tone of the voice and the language The body and gestures, and pets can reduce the tension, anxiety and feeling of loneliness that children may be exposed to, and in addition to improving the health of the heart and blood vessels, the importance of children owning pets is undoubtedly, as some pets can care for and help children Those who grow up with them are safer and more active. Pets can add true joy to the child and unconditional love for their life. Playing with a dog, for example, can raise levels of serotonin and dopamine and improve the child's health in general, which may calm the child greatly.

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