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Is it your fault?

4 years ago

For over 30 yrs I've been watching good ppl go through horrible things and then be told their thoughts created such irrational events, without giving them the info that others can manipulate our world.
You can't make a good choice without all the info.
Guilt is the worst thing we can allow our psyche to own.
Throw that shit where it belongs, up into the hands of God almighty.
We are not in control of any major things happening in the world around us.
Unless you are a satanic ritualistic demonic abuser comiting crimes against humanity.
For Centuries abuse has been happening, right thinking people would say hey that's not a good thing, stop doing that but most have been brainwashed to look the other way, ignore the horrific actions.
Only way to heal a nation is to remove the source of the angst
IMO that's the Demons that have infiltrated every aspect of our lives
Send your prayer requests to: asksolana@yahoo.com

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