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People Arise - Abbey Cook

4 years ago

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They take ya for fools
Hope you don't see
Hope you don't notice
Go to sleep
There's no stopping you
When you woke up to the truth

Some hide behind lies
Its their goal to control
Every aspect of your lives
Don't stay petrified
It is time to arise

Ya people arise
It is time to take your place of authority
Ya people unite
Look around you, we're the majority

I am sick of those games
I am sick and tired of them controlling me
Let truth be our guide
People Arise

People arise
People arise
People arise
People arise

There's been better days
We all know of the hate
Thats been smeared right in our face
What a disgrace
Whats become of this place

We just have forgot
The power is ours, its been taken
We been pushed from our spot
But they've been caught
Its time to arise

Ya people arise
It is time to take your place of authority
Ya people unite
Look around you, we're the majority

I am sick of those games
I am sick and tired of them controlling me
Let truth be our guide
People Arise Arise Arise
People arise
It is time to take your place of authority
People unite
Look around you, we're the majority

I am sick of those games
I am sick and tired of them controlling me
Let truth be our guide
People Arise Arise Arise

People Arise
People Arise
People Arise
People Arise
People Arise
People Arise
People Arise
People Arise

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