Cover Ups, Bogus Science and False Mythology with Kathleen Marden - host Mark Eddy

3 years ago

Esteemed UFOlogist KATHLEEN MARDEN joins us to discuss several of her books on the UFO phenomenon. A special interest will be paid to "Fact, Fiction, and Flying Saucers." She and her late co-author Dr. Stanton Friedman examine the long history of deliberate obfuscation of UFO sightings. We will get the a balanced report since Dr. Friedman testified. Moreover, Kathleen presents a fair evaluation of her aunt's (Betty Hill) famous abduction. We will also delve into her "The Alien Abduction Files." How did these abduction affect the people? What do their sketches reveal? Have abductions changed since the Hill's harrowing encounter? This is going to be a fascinating look at sightings and abductions by a leading researcher.

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