I loss 100lbs weight just only 1 year.

3 years ago

I‘m trying my damndest to cut down on carbs. To be honest, I really haven’t been strict since hitting my first ketoversary in May. I was like “I lost 100lbs” and went straight into maintenance. Part of me worries about loose skin -and part of me uses that as an excuse to be lax. I’ll tell myself I don’t want to rush so my body can catch up and hopefully reduce loose skin -aaaand, that’s okay, but I *think* I want to pick back up again. I will say, I cannot BELIEVE I eat the way I do without gaining weight. That is completely new to me. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten with such abandon. Ever. And I haven’t gained weight! I eat so many sweets and chocolates -I love the low-carb options available and I love that although I “fell off the wagon” for 6-7 months and basically ate whatever (keto food) I wanted (I do NOT eat keto sweets in moderation -I shove my face on the reg 😄), I didn’t gain weight back. I’m heartily comforted that maintenance and higher carb counts is not only feasible -but also quite enjoyable. I think this is possibly a sign my insulin resistance may be a thing of the past? Anywho, after 7 months of no restrictions, I’m debating tightening down the hatches again. All in all, and I know this conflicts with the above, I’m actually pretty damn happy with my current weight. 😄 Maybe this is my new norm🤷‍♀️We’ll see. Anyone else struggling with maintenance and fluctuating goal weights? My initial goal weight was 175, and then moved to 200. I currently weigh 250lbs, fluctuating +/- 10lbs. .
For more : nehvsv@gmail. com (remove space)

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