Refusing Large-Scale Legalized Plunder (and Inflation) via the CARES Act of 2020

3 years ago

America's federal government is currently engaged in legalized plunder, whether via taxes or via debt-and-inflation, on an unprecedented scale. The recent CARES Act of 2020 spent more than the entire New Deal, as well as America's entire annual federal budget.

Congress is directing most of this vast flood of money toward politically-favored state agencies and/or big businesses, with a pittance being given to individual households. As for myself, I don't believe in stealing, even if it's legal, and I value a clean conscience more than ill-gotten gain. I'd much rather obtain such funds in the right way, whether by earning it or by receiving it as a gift.

Like the fictional Murder on the Orient Express, killing a nation from within is the work of many hands. I don't want my hands to be among them. So, to help set a good example, I put this check where I believe that it belongs. You're welcome. Your thoughts?

#Economics #EconomicStimulus #FiscalPolicy #MonetaryPolicy #LegalizedPlunder #Inflation

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