My Testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints

3 years ago

I wanted to bear my testimony about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The Church is the the greatest organization in my life, and (if I may be so bold) the greatest organization on Earth. And, no matter where I've attended Church meetings on this planet, I've always felt perfectly at home. I love being part of a caring community of people who are constantly making a positive impact on this world, helping people both to endure challenges and to become their best selves.

And that's what it's done for me. Its influence on my life has proven entire positive. It's helped me to love/serve both God with all my soul and my neighbor as myself. It's helped me to prepare to be a good husband and father. It's helped me to both respect and appreciate free will (or moral agency). I'm far better than I ever would have ever been without it, and it's enriched my life in countless ways.

And it's all because of the Savior Jesus Christ. It's His Church, restored to this Earth in these last days, even if its members (including me) aren't always His figurative hands as much as we should be. And I know that this Church is His at least as surely as I know that I exist. I asked God Himself in prayer once and He answered me in unmistakable terms through His Holy Spirit in one of the most treasured experiences of my life.

And He can tell you, too, if you ask Him in humble faith with a sincere desire to both accept and follow whatever answer He gives. And I hope that you'll do so.

#Religion #Christianity #HolySpirit #SpiritualTruth #PersonalRevelation #Testimony #CalledToShare #ShareGoodness

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