SWEET MARTI JO (Hi Def) KAP&TPB, Inspirational, Classic Country, Bluegrass, Americana, 90's Country

4 years ago

Hi Def version of the full video compliment to our "Sweet Marti Jo" Lyrics & Chords video, with song written entirely by K. A. Patterson and all video production by KAP, in loving tribute to one of the finest ladies I've ever had the pleasure of knowing here on Earth - sincerely, K. A. Patterson

When copying this video to Rumble from YouTube, where it has nearly 6,500 views in a year, I did NOT update it as I have others. So the web addresses shown while the Credits role are no longer correct. That should be www.kapattersonmusic.net.

This video of "SWEET MARTI JO", and many of our other videos, contain embedded verbiage about the YouTube channel.

But all will eventually be here on Rumble, and that verbiage will be inconsequential.

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