Day 15 of 90 Days of Intention for 1/29/2021

3 years ago

Breathe Your Way To a Better Life
Today's Intention for My Self: Breathe Better
Today's Intention For the World: No Vaxx
One Thing I'm Grateful For:
What Did I Do Best Today?

Day 15 of 90 Days of Intention for 1/29/2021 (video done 30th)

Past Intentions For the World
1. Informed Intentional Choices
2. Freedom For Humanity As Individuals To Experience the Best Life
3. Live Our Best and Highest Self
4. Health Power Given Back To the People
5. Find Alternatives To Facebook and Youtube
6. Shutdowns & Required Masks Over
7. Shutdown and Masks Are worst policy decision in history for many reasons but especially for health
8. Government Corruption Ends, Justice Served
9. Corruption & Solution Disclosed/Revealed
10. Church corruption ends, deception revealed, truth spread.
11. All unnecessary Vaccines removed
12. People running pharma companies held responsible for their profit over humanity crimes
13. Vaccine Trial to protect patient and health of humanity as priority over and quick to remove vaccine companies.
14. Informed Consent - we must have full and complete information
15. Stop C0VID19 vacseen-nation and find solution to growing list of problems
- Sterilize women and girls
- Cytokine storm prime you for virus
- Change your DNA
- and more...

Virus or Exosome Links:

Health Links:
Truth& Freedom Links:

#90daysofintention #intention #winning #awareness #mindfulness #winning #informedconsent #Godspeed #Love #Unity #Oneness

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