THD Podcast 28 - Graphene Audio Speaker Diaphragm Material Ground BreakingTechnology Innovation

4 years ago

The Total Harmonic Discussion / the THD Podcast. A weekly discussion on audio and headphone technologies and the people who bring the technology to market. In episode 28, Eric Gaskell of Ora Sound joins from Montreal, Canada to discuss their graphene material, GrapheneQ™, for application in speaker diaphragms. Graphene is a hot topic in many industries and audio is no exception. Ora Sound is a leader in real graphene. Accept no imitations ;)

Ora Graphene Audio Inc. is a company endeavoring to unbind sound from its current limitations through cutting edge materials science. As with many great discoveries, GrapheneQ - Ora’s revolutionary new audio transducer material – was the result of a confluence of two disparate fields, Chemistry and Audio.

At the engineering labs of Prof. Thomas Szkopek at McGill University, Ora co-founder Dr, Robert-Eric Gaskell and his brother Dr. Peter Gaskell headed research into how the properties of graphene oxide could be tuned to create the ideal conditions for professional, high-quality sound. Audio that is clear of distortion across the entire band of human hearing demands that a transducer material be unrelentingly stiff. However, to simultaneously be efficient enough to produce loud volumes in even the smallest form factors, it also needs to be exceedingly light. Until GrapheneQ, these conditions could only be achieved by extremely exotic materials such as beryllium and CVD diamond, materials that cost thousands of dollars to make.

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@dlindberg11 - coming soon

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