The Riddle of Origins - Mike Riddle

3 years ago

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As Christians, we believe that God created us. Does it really matter how he did it? This week Kevin talks to Mike Riddle, founder, and president of the Creation Training Initiative, who has been involved in creation ministry for over 30 years. As someone who grew up in a non-Christian home and accepted the theory of evolution from a young age, Mike brings a unique perspective to creationism. In this episode, he explains why both the Bible and logic tell us that evolution is not an adequate view of origins. He talks about why a Christian's view of Genesis matters, and addresses some common objections to creation science.

In his early education, Mike was taught that evolution was the only theory around, and didn't think to question it. It wasn't until his adulthood, while he was serving in the marines, that a stranger planted the seed that would transform his life. One day while Mike was at the gym, another marine approached him out of the blue and shared the gospel. Mike didn't listen to a word of what the man was trying to tell him... or so he thought. Seven years later, alone in a hotel room, the gospel message hit Mike in a powerful way (even though no one else had shared it with him since that day). He got saved the same night and instantly wanted to know what God teaches about our origins in the Bible.

That night started Mike down a long road of studying Biblical origins and questioning evolution, which eventually led him to found the Creation Training Initiative. This ministry exists to train believers in creation apologetics so that they can effectively share the truth with others and refute evolutionary misinformation. In addition to the dozens of free resources on their website,, CTI is hosting the week-long intensive Creation Apologetics Teachers College in Ridgecrest, NC, from August 1-6 (click here for more info). This training event is no walk in the park, but it can turn a lay person into an expert on creation. Space is limited, so sign up soon!

This episode first aired on March 12th, 2016.
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