154 LIVE: Connection, Business Mentor, Legal Solutions, Caregivers, Stress-Busting

4 years ago

50% of people have already given up on their New Year's Resolutions. It's time to REDO yours & set yourself up for success in 2021. Our 78 Partners of this segment are here to help you get "Back On Track" so please start listening to any of their 118 segments to help Grow your business, Enhance the quality of your life & Make a difference!

*** We're adding a "TAKE ACTION" page to our website so you can let your voices be heard and find out who's standing up for what you believe in ***

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To view and listen to all of the amazing FREE resources! We've made it easier than ever to find the "Messages that matter, from the people YOU need to know about!"

5 Guests + 7 Minute Segments = Tons of Tips & Takeaways


"Purpose-Driven Partners” Segment Showcasing our Partners in the Everything Home Socially Conscious Referral Network!

12:06pm - Bill Ranshaw: The Connected Being

12:17pm - Toni McLelland: Transforming Your Biz & Leadership

12:27pm - Christie Arkovich: Attorney For The People

12:38pm - Betsy Wurzel: Helping Caregivers

12:48pm - Professor Pete Alexander: Stress Be Gone

VISIT http://EverythingHomeResourcePlatform.com

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EVERYTHING HOME - Talk Radio Show - Podcast - Patriotic Purpose Driven Resource Platform - Hosted by Michele Swinick "The Queen of Quality Content"

We're going LIVE every Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 12pm to 1pm MT with experts, entrepreneurs, professionals and purpose-driven people to share their stories, passions and provide real-life tangible takeaways...all in 7 minute segments. ONE location with all the information to enhance the quality of your life, give yourself more professional, personal and financial freedom, and our favorite...Promote Patriotism!

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