Why Didn’t Police Arrest the Capitol Marauders?, 3484

3 years ago

Good morning, I’m still reporting on the coup.
There are still a host of unanswered questions about the violent attack on the Capitol Building on Jan. 6.
The attack has been routinely condemned by liberals and conservatives alike, but condemning the violence is one thing, getting to the bottom of what happened is a different story. The Democrats and media blame President Donald Trump, as if Trump left the podium after speaking put on a backpack, picked up a club and led the charge to breach the bike racks that had been placed around the Capitol Building and called barricades by the mainstream media.
Trump, of course, did not go leading the change up Capitol Hill, and he didn’t tell anyone to attack the Capitol. He did tell the crowd to go to the Capitol and let their voices be heard which is their constitutional right. In the rapidly changing political environment, I should say that at least the left still has a constitutional right to protest – even lot and burn – however, it remains unclear if conservatives still have that same right.
The news media is reporting on the extensive investigation of surveillance videos, personal videos, selfies, Facebook posts and other evidence to track down the people who briefly fought with the few Capitol Police officers present when they broke into the Capitol Building.
But here is one question the mainstream media is not asking, Why didn’t the law enforcement that finally did arrived on the scene, arrest the people in the Capitol Building right then and there? The normal law enforcement practice is that if people are apprehended while committing a crime, they are arrested on the spot. Criminals are not usually allowed to go home with Law Enforcement saying, we’ll figure out who you are and then come arrest you in a couple of weeks.
It isn’t a very efficient way to operate. The law enforcement agencies that cleared out the Capitol Building, could have arrested everyone inside, why didn’t they?
It doesn’t make any sense, to let the people go and then have to search surveillance videos, Facebook pages and depend on other citizens to turn them in.
However, there may be a method to this apparent madness. If the people who broke into the Capitol had been arrested at the time. The FBI would be unable to pick and choose who to arrest.
It would also mess up the cover-story is that these were all evil Trump supporters. There are reports of people actually watching ANTIFA types changing from their all black ANTIFA outfits into Trump tee shirts and hats, AT THE RALLY! This is a standard practice of ANTIFA, although it usually goes the other way. They dress to mingle with the crowd and then change to all black, put on their masks, take their weapons out of their backpacks and attack.
By letting almost everyone leave the Capitol without being arrested, those in charge can decide that they cannot identify the ANTIFA people who were a part of the violence but can identify Trump supporters and unfortunately there is no question that Trump supporters were among those who broke in.
The complete lack of competency on the part of the Capitol Police also presents a problem, because many people simply wandered into an open Capitol Building. The Capitol Police had removed some of the bike racks aka barricades, the doors were open those arriving after Trump’s speech and after the violence found they could just walk into the Capitol Building like people used to do in the good old days.
There was no security because the Capitol Police were all hiding in a closet, or running to get help or maybe the shift changed and they were all on their way home.
Actually it is difficult to believe that the Capitol Police are that incompetent and disorganized. It looks far more like an inside job or a conspiracy. It won’t be investigated because in this country we don’t investigate misdeeds by Democrats, but we spend years investigating false accusations about Republicans.
Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State is one example. It was a pretty sweet deal. Big time foreign money was either paid to Bill Clinton for speaking or donated to the Clinton Foundation and then that foreign entity got favorable treatment.
How many times since Hillary left office has Bill gotten $750,000 or $500,000 fees for one speech? How many $100 million donations have been made by individuals to the Clinton Foundation?
If there was no influence peddling then these fees and donations should have continued. But it appears that will never be investigated, much more recently the FBI has a pile of evidence about Hunter Biden selling access to his father Joe, and you know that will never be investigated.
Perhaps in 50 years, the truth about the violence at the Capitol Building will be revealed in a memoir or autobiography, but many of us won’t be around to read it. And that’s what they rely on.
I'm still reporting from just outside the Citadel of American freedom. Good day.

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