The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 112 - Today ... The End Begins!

3 years ago

This video is a warning to all about Creation Ministries International or CMI. For years i have occasionally used this site because it focused on refuting Evolution and appeared to be a strong Christian ministry dealing with “REAL” science. I began to have my suspicions about this site since i wrote and queried them a few years ago as to why they supported the Luciferian, Roman Catholic NASA paradigm of deep space, the Helio-centric solar system and spinning “globe” Earth when the Bible clearly states that the Earth does NOT move and the Sun, Moon and Stars do. The response from Jonathan Sarfati was condescending and troubling and an eye opener however i was willing to concede their ignorance on this one very important issue. This situation however has changed. As of December 3 this year CMI has updated an original article called “CMI, Vaccines and Vaccination” posted originally on September 3, 2018 which i missed 2 years ago. There was no FAKE Covid 19 pandemic raging at that time and so the vaccine issue wasn’t big on my radar. This re-publication and up date of the article however changes things. The timing is strategically ominous and i have no doubt it is intended to sway Christians who are classed in the population group as “Vaccine Hesitant.” Look at the Masonic dates chosen for release of both these articles for starters. Coincidence or intentional? You’ll have to decide.

According to CMI, vaccines are “science” so they have a responsibility to support the vaccine regime and encourage Christians to vaccinate. Apparently God needs help from us in keeping us healthy and even alive. The arrogance is appalling and might i say smacks of Jesuitical thinking. In their article vaccines are presented as a fairly recent development and a godsend to humanity. Edward Jenner a high level Freemason, is claimed as being the inventor of vaccination which is a Lie! Actually pagan cultures have been practicing different forms of bodily “transformation” in the form of vaccinations for millennia. There’s a written document of Chinese vaccine practice going back to 200 BC but these practices go back to the Tower of Babel and even pre-flood to Cain’s Empire of Sin.


Learn more at:

Roman "Mark Of The Beast" Bio-Metric 3 in 1 "IMPLANT" vaccine

RNA Vaccines: Harnessing God’s design to help prevent sickness, but will the new vaccine technology alter our DNA? Robert Carter, December 3, 2020

Creation Ministries International - Carl Wieland

Jonathan Sarfati

Katalin Kariko

Wired - How mRNA Went From A Backwater To A Pandemic Crusher

International mRNA Health Conference 2020 - Katalin Karinko

The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccination, 1956, by Eleanor McBean M.D., N.D. (shows the many dangers of vaccinations, manipulated statistics throughout history, how polio arose, and the nature of virus and disease.)

Béchamp Or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology by E. Douglas Hume, 1923
The Blood and Its Third Element by Antoine Béchamp, 1912

Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth, by Walene James, 1942 (discusses Béchamp’s ‘Terrain Theory’ of bacteria and viruses.)

The Dream & Lie of Louis Pasteur, R.B. Pearson, 1942 (First published in 1942 under the title ‘Pasteur Plagiarist Imposter!-the Germ Theory Exploded’. Shows that Louis Pasteur plagiarized and distorted the work of professor Antoine Béchamp. The author propounds the viewpoint that bacteria in the body are a result, not a cause of disease, that vaccinations are harmful or at best, ineffective and that Pasteur did not realize the consequences of the vaccines he and his followers created.)

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