Let's put our money where our mouth is

4 years ago

If you have not had the hard and painfully honest experience of watching Lt General Tom Mcinerney give a very illuminating intelligence briefing, I suggest you go to diamond and silks page, I believe they still have it up there. If not, just know that communism is alive and well, and it is way too late for free Americans to keep collectively pressing the snooze button. It's time to WAKE UP, AMERICA! FREEDOM ISN'T FREE. I WILL GLADLY help any GOD FEARING man woman or child who is in need of protection from the Enemies of Democracy. We must Unite, I live, right now, on the north fork of long island. You may contact me by going to where the town containing the shelter island ferry is, going to the pizzeria, and inquiring about the black swan. I fear it will not be long before communism will have taken over the majority of the globe. I've had it up to here with these chock shuckers and their namby pamby BULLSH!T tugging at the heart strings of genuinely good people, the masses have become useful idiots. I'm no traitor, but Paul Revere was.. and he was also a silver smith.. let's see if we can't make the communists "game stop" if we show them that WE'RE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT, no, we ain't gonna take it.. I'm just a poor poor man, but if I were a rich patriot, I would certainly dump these effing communists filthy blood money (3 million+ men in concentration camps being sterilized as you read this, not a joke), and convert my entire portfolio to HARD ASSETS THAT HAVE INTRINSIC VALUE instead of being willfully complicit with the closest thing that I have seen to Lucifer himself, the president reject, the puppet of he who must not be named.. well, I'm ready to name names, where's my hush money? Cause this is just a taster, toots

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