Truth Broadcast #2 : Part 3/4 *{1/22/21}* 2020 Vision & Our Restored Republic †

4 years ago

Explore recent developments in the Restoration of Our Constitutional Republic, alongside historical context that illustrates their significance, which is most clearly experienced when looking back to the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as well as his Revelations †

1. : Solutions †
2. : Knowledge †
3. https://www.NovaGaia.Love/Kangen-Water : Alkalinity †
4. : Donations †

Part 4 of TB#2 in 1080p:

Part Three : The Gospel
1. The Good news
2. New Age to Christianity
3. It all makes sense : Oprah : Kappy : Eckhart
4. Luciferian : Masonic : New Age Indoctrination
5. John Ramirez Armed and Dangerous
6. The True Jesus Christ of Nazareth
7. Receiving the power of the Holy Spirit

John Ramirez Testimony †

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