Worry vs Anxiety - What's the difference? - How to stop worry and anxiety

3 years ago

If we understand the difference between worry and anxiety, we’ll be better equipped to get rid of it, and build the marriage, relationships and marriage God intended us to have!

Worry and anxiety have become a big part of our lives, and it seems that stress has been the number one cause for doctor visits in the last years. Jesus teaches us how to deal with each of these, in the Bible. Technically, we ought to have learned these skills growing up, but most of us didn’t.

However, we can choose to learn the difference between worry and anxiety, and the reality of what we can do about them. We can learn to develop these skills and completely eliminate both worry and anxiety from our lives. And then, by emptying out our love tanks from this mental and emotional garbage, we make room for real, agape love.

We can then get our love tanks filled up from God, and keep Jesus’ Commandment to love one another. We can then be the loving person God intended us to be all along. We can then build the successful life, marriage, and relationships God created us to experience and to glorify Him through.

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