The QHoax

4 years ago

There’s a delusion that has made my skin crawl over the past couple of years. And, I now call it:

The QHoax

I don’t think that I’ve ever said a positive thing about Q. I might have had some hopes at the very beginning that they might have been real. The idea that Trump was going to ‘drain the swamp’ was compelling. But, what Q was saying did not make sense in the real world. And, as the days and weeks and months wore on, it became more and more clear that Q was an utterly foul hoax.

#GuidedApophenia #Apophenia #OmegaShock

A Game Designer’s Analysis Of QAnon

The whole Q hoax thing was aptly described in an article by someone who specializes in creating games for adults – the running-around-in-a-maze and solving-mysteries kind. He describes himself like this:

I am a game designer with experience in a very small niche. I create and research games designed to be played in reality. I’ve worked in Alternate Reality Games (ARGs), LARPs, experience fiction, interactive theater, and “serious games”. Stories and games that can start on a computer, and finish in the real world. Fictions designed to feel as real as possible. Games that teach you. Puzzles that come to life all around the players. Games where the deeper you dig, the more you find. Games with rabbit holes that invite you into wonderland and entice you through the looking glass.

– A Game Designer’s Analysis Of QAnon – Playing with reality by Reed Berkowitz

You don’t need to have that kind of experience to see how the Q hoax was created. I’ve been watching, analyzing and playing computer games since the ’80s. And, there is a class of games that succeed because they have philosophies and psychological manipulations that makes them so incredibly appealing – especially the role playing games, or RPGs. And, the QHoax was just that – an RPG, but with a twist.

The way that Reed describes it is interesting. He says this:

When I saw QAnon, I knew exactly what it was and what it was doing. I had seen it before. I had almost built it before. It was gaming’s evil twin. A game that plays people.

That is an extremely perceptive observation. In the QHoax, the player was Q, and YOU were the game. As the saying goes, QFollowers were ‘played like a fiddle’, and I’ve seen lots and lots of that. Flat Earthers, Mormons, Marxists and Muslims are all extreme examples of real life role playing games where followers were manipulated into dancing to the tune of the game player. But, Reed Berkowitz isn’t done shedding light on this.
Guided Apophenia

He goes on to introduce a very interesting term:

Guided Apophenia

What an interesting phrase, and as a writer, I just love new and interesting phrases – at least, the ones that I like. And this one cuts to the heart of so much that is wrong with human beings.

Here, read the definition of Apophenia, as shared with us by Reed:

Apophenia is : “the tendency to perceive a connection or meaningful pattern between unrelated or random things (such as objects or ideas)”

I don’t think that there’s a single person on this planet that has not suffered from this, at one time or another. In fact, I’m betting that we all have been accused of something not true, because our accuser perceived a ‘connection or meaningful pattern’ that just didn’t mean anything.


Did You Have Faith in Politics?


A Game Designer’s Analysis Of QAnon

Revelation 17:16-17



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Author: John Little -

John Little knows that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. A writer who currently lives in southern Taiwan, John still considers Jerusalem home. He holds an MBA and is married to the most beautiful woman on the planet. John has lived in Asia for 25 years and strongly dislikes writing/recording doom-and-gloom articles and videos. Unfortunately, your survival is at stake, so he will keep doing them.

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