Americas Great Awakening To Freedom - Part 3

3 years ago

Everyone needs to realize the situation we find ourselves in. It is not about simply winning but doing so while saving innocent lives.

So realize that at times you must be patient, the good guys don't want innocent lives lost. Yet, evil simply does not care. In fact, it cherishes death and human despair. This just propels discontent and hatred.

That makes it even tougher for good because it creates an uneven playing field. So if some timelines are changed, there are reasons.

You can feel the evil presence in the world today and especially in our fake government and media organizations. They are doing everything they can to maintain the illusion that they still are in power.

But they are not, in fact; The Great Awakening is winning, it really has already won. People are starting to wake up to the fact that We The People have the power.

As free men and women of this world, we control them and their secret cabal that is trying to stand power over the masses. Yet as free people we get to choose who governs us if anything or anyone at all. That is so KEY!

The government only with full consent of the governed. Free men and women choosing to consent to the laws of a moral and righteous government.

At any time maintaining the right to take back any power or control given. It is a matter of choosing your Truly Right View to reject the fraudulent power of an unjust government.

As mankind wakes up to this fact in this rapture. Mankind will truly discover the freedom we have had all along that our creator gave us.

Our soul was created by a higher power than they can ever oppose with their fake media announcements. Stop believing the lies of the media and big tech. They simply divide free men or women.

Create your own life and stop being told what your life will be. At a point, you will have achieved a true 46 & 2 and can then see your Truly Right View in life.

Check out more about America's Great Awakening, American freedoms with the Federal Reserve Banking system at

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