4 years ago

On December 5th of last year I uploaded a video to Facebook addressing "THE GREAT RESET" we've been hearing about these days.. I couldn't upload to YouTube because of the censorship and the 2 strikes I currently have... I never uploaded it publicly so here it is... The information I covered is off the chain. I urge you and encourage you to go out and look into some of the things I bring up in this video. Don't take my word for it, but don't ignore the information either, your life, your welfare and that of your loved ones will be affected by what's coming upon this world whether you accept some of this stuff or not... These people ain't playing, they want to merge humanity with technology and "reset" the global economy with a "digital currency"... Many don't understand the implications of this "YET", but soon it's gonna all make sense and it's NOT good.... It's important you know this information so you know "WHO" to turn to... God said these days are coming and they are definitely here. Only the work of Christ on the cross is sufficient to save us from hell and the wrath coming upon this earth.. TRUST IN HIM TODAY!!! IF YOU ALREADY DO, WAKE SOMEONE UP, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, PREACH THE GOSPEL LIKE NEVER BEFORE!!! God bless you ALL...

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