The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 108 - "Murder By Injection!"

3 years ago

In this video I want to talk about the ongoing vaccine war being waged against humanity. I’m going to reference a book called “Murder By Injection” written by Eustace Mullins in 1988. He describes clearly what vaccines are and what they are intended to do. Quite simply, vaccines are a Luciferian pagan ritual “baptism” aimed at transforming the initiate physically and spiritually into something “OTHER” than God originally intended. Vaccines have NOTHING to do with safeguarding or improving “Health.” Vaccines have created a multi-generational market of candidate-patients for the Luciferian Medical Corporations.

Vaccines induce a wide range of illnesses that afflict the vaccine recipient at a later stage in life feeding the Luciferian pharmaceutical and hospital industries. It’s an absolute win-win for the Jesuits who own and control all these corporations. The whole medical system is a FRAUD, set up to not only MAKE people sick but to keep them in a downward spiral of continuing sicknesses until death.

Vaccines are pseudo science! Vaccines impair health and KILL victims whether in the short term or long! The 20th and 21st centuries have and are witness to a holocaust of victims maimed and killed by the ongoing vaccine programs aimed mostly at children! Most particularly we are looking at every form of cancer and neurological disorders like autism. Vaccines and toxic chemicals and drugs are at the root of all major health problems suffered by people today!

People we are now facing the imminent roll out of the Mark of the Beast Bio-Metric Micro-Needle Patch “IMPLANT” vaccine which will corrupt the DNA and destroy all who submit to it. We are being inched closer and closer to the Mark of the Beast vaccine! This is the end game move of the Jesuits. A vaccine initiation of all people into the CULTURE of the satanic Roman Catholic Beast New World Order kingdom. I’m warning everyone here that the effects of this Covid 19 DNA/mRNA vaccine are irreversible. Anyone who takes it is spiritually damned for eternity. Do NOT take any vaccines going forward! ALL vaccines are dangerous to human health!

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How To Get Saved And Become A Christian

Watch Video 100 - DJT

Free Documents & URL’s

The Roman Catholic Mark Of The Beast

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 77 - The "Mark Of The Beast" - A Watchman Rep 5

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 86 - Roman Virus "Propaganda" - Useful Information!

Recordings reveal WHO's analysis of pandemic in private - Yahoo News

Vaccines - The Oldest Scam - Henry Makes

Covid vaccine is great for humanity – and not bad for the stock market either - The Guardian

Key events in development of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine - ABC News

South Korea’s Flu Vaccine Deaths Preview COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Challenges - The Diplomat

Volunteers Who Took Pfizer Vaccine Say It Felt Like Suffering A ‘Severe Hangover’ -

The National - “Canada preparing for COVID-19 vaccine rollout.mp4” - You Tube - Nov 10.20

Murder By Injection - Eustace Mullins

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