The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 104 - Everyone "Dies" Twice!

3 years ago

Nothing has been attacked by the Jesuits more viciously in the last century than the truth in God’s Word about “regeneration” - putting the old man (body of sin) to death and being renewed by the Spirit of God and the Word of God synergistically into a new man. The reason for this relentless assault by the Jesuit and Masonic theologians is, Satan can’t harm the one who has placed all their trust in God and walks upright according to his Word. This is a big threat to his kingdom of darkness and deception. The Greek word for regeneration; “palingenesia” meaning “rebirth” is only used twice in the New Testament in Matthew 19:28 and Titus 3:5 but the overarching theme of re-birth dominates the whole Bible. We would do well to take note and make sure we understand what God is saying about this fundamental concept and what it means for us.

For this reason there has been an all out war against the truth of God’s Word and it’s power to transform the mind and together with the Holy Ghost within, to lead and guide a persons thoughts, words and deeds. This “Born Again” man or woman of God is dangerous to Satan’s kingdom because they walk in the “power” of the Spirit of God and with the authority of God’s Word and fear neither man nor the Devil. They fear only God and will do anything to fulfill his purpose in their lives. This is NOT what the Jesuits want!

We can see the apostate and spiritually bankrupt mainstream churches everywhere today. They have been socialized and left powerless and devoid of truth. The Jesuits have destroyed foundational Biblical truths and left the church a beggar - a destitute orphan. For this reason God has been calling his people out of all the heretical ecumenical churches to be led by his Spirit into isolation in this last wilderness period. If you were wondering why you are alone and can’t find a body of true believers anywhere this is why. God’s true church is a “mystical” body of people … an organism we are “Baptized” into, NOT a man made ORGANIZATION we join!

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