The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 99 - The Roman Beast: Killing The "Image" Of God!

3 years ago

Continuing on from my preceding videos about the goals of the Jesuit Military Order I would like to talk about what the Roman Catholic Beast, whom the Jesuits give their power to, plans to do to every living human soul. Remember that the Beast (The final Roman Pope) is Satan in the flesh. His mind is one with the mind of Satan. He will do what his father shows him to do. The Beast’s plan is to destroy God’s “Image” in every man and replace it with Satan’s “Trans-human” image. He will do this with the coming Micro - Needle Patch vaccine masquerading as a conventional vaccine. This isn’t a vaccine but is a 3 in1 Bio-metric, synthetic DNA / mRNA bio-luminescent tattoo implant which will corrupt a person’s God given genetic makeup and possibly diminish or destroy an individual’s ability to sense or know God.

Where does this whole crazy scenario begin? In the Garden Of Eden, that’s where! In Genesis 3: 4-6 we read about the root of the problems plaguing man to the present day, “And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. 6And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.”

The history of man is a history of the pursuit of “esoteric” or secret knowledge that can elevate man to the status of “godhood.” It is the continuing rejection of God and his commands to men. This pursuit of “Gnosis” or “Knowledge” has led man further and further away from God. Satan is behind this development. Today we are just one step away from the total rejection of the one true God and instead the worship of a myriad of pagan gods as well as the false god of “science” knowledge in the quest for immortality in the effort to circumvent God’s plan for immortality.

The “Image” of God IN man is the target of satanic technologies designed to modify and thus corrupt and interfere with God’s plan of “Salvation” for mankind.

Learn more about the Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire at:

How To Get Saved And Become A Christian

The Roman Catholic Mark Of The Beast

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 77 - The "Mark Of The Beast" - A Watchman Rep 5

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 86 - Roman Virus "Propaganda" - Useful Information!

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