The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 97 - A Synopsis Of "Endings"

3 years ago

The question I want to open up with here is; why is it that people can’t or don’t want to hear about the end! Particularly when the end applies to death - their death! Are beginnings more important than endings? Doesn’t it stand to reason that without an end there can be no beginning! When the Bible talks about an end or THE end it isn’t written in an abstract form. It means what it says. The Bible is written in a very straightforward fashion except maybe for some of the symbolism which must be learnt. The Bible is a history and science book containing the fundamental principals of life and death. It is a book detailing beginnings and endings. Life is about beginnings and endings. Why do people go into denial when the ending they don’t WANT is presented to them?

ALL things come to an end. Yet most people are living as if there was no possibility of an end. What is the reason for this refusal to confront the end whether it be the end of a significant period of time or event or the end of a life? There are many endings in a lifetime no matter how long or short. Nevertheless, when I proclaim that the end of the age, the end of all things, the end of this life is at hand people freak out and accuse me of being an idiot, a moron or a fool for even bringing it up - that i have no idea what I’m talking about. Billions of people have lived on this Earth since the beginning and they are ALL DEAD and awaiting the judgement! They all came to an end, some peacefully and some violently. Death comes for everyone. No one knows when! The question is not “Will the end come?” The question is: ARE YOU READY TO DIE? ARE YOU PREPARED TO MEET YOUR END? If you’re not then you are living in a FANTASY, a FICTION believing that you can’t or won’t DIE or that somehow you are EXEMPT! Then who would be the fool for thinking this? ME for telling you the truth about ENDINGS or YOU who have embraced a FANTASY because it makes you feel comfortable? Think about it!

Life is NOT a game and there is only one true purpose for LIFE and that is to find God and serve him well before it ENDS! That’s it! Listen to what God says through the prophet!

Micah 6:8 declares the true purpose of man. “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”

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