The LRS for Everyone: an Answer for a Canadian January 27, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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The LRS for Everyone: an Answer for a Canadian January 27, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

I know this is all a bit new to most people, so let me explain that there is a fundamental difference between "recording" something in the public, and "registering" it.
A Public Record is a land jurisdiction recording and it is what it says it is --- you're just making a public record of a fact, such as the birth of a new baby, or a marriage, or a claim to a copyright or trademark or some possession, be it land or patent or DNA. Our Land Recording System is a computerized, block-chained, scan-based system that establishes such Public Records for people, and does it in international jurisdiction, so it doesn't matter if you are an American or a Canadian or a German. You are basically enabled to establish a Public Record that is visible worldwide and permanently published that records your name, your provenance, your chosen political status -- for example, John Able Smyth, Hydburne, Warwickshire, England, Englishman, born 6th of January 1967....

A "registration" is a commercial transaction taking place in the international jurisdiction of the sea, in which you are giving up your natural ownership interest in whatever is being registered to the entity that you are registering it with. So, for example, when you "register" your private auto as a "commercial vehicle" you are turning it over to the ownership of whichever State of State or Department or Corporation you are registering it with. They, in turn, issue you a "Title" that gives you control and responsibility for the car which has now been redefined as a "vehicle" subject to the Motor Vehicle Code.

So when people unwittingly register things, even babies, they are giving up their interest in the car, baby, land, or whatever else, and entering into a subject-liege lord relationship with the entity issuing the "title" or the "birth certificate".

This is not what we need to be doing. Instead, we need to be recording our interest in our own children and in our own property assets, and depriving these corporations of any pretended interest in our private property, including our DNA.

As your records will refer to a Canadian and to Canadian locations and not to an American and American locations, it is obvious that you are not becoming an American or trying to do any such thing.

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