4 years ago
#SkyJinks #HighJinks #Buffoonery
#LethalCocktail #HarmfullyDestructive
#VACCINEenhancedDISEASE #AdverseReaction

Musical Mashup featuring: Niney The Observer - Lightning & Thunder
Channel One - Tribal Version
John Holt - Tribal War @
DrJacked @ 432Hz
SHOT: Jan. 5th - Jan. 22 2021
Images are sourced from various FAA and world weather Cameras...
Time lapse portions created by DrJack Skywatcher.

#Pestilential #cocd

The Spanish Flu killed 675,000 Americans in 1918-1919. Many of the dead were vaccinated soldiers.
Mercury and Aluminum have been used in vaccines as a preservative, such as in the measles/mumps/rubella vaccine.

Hundreds of symptoms may be due to chronic Heavy Metal toxicity.
Do not Let HEAVY METALS Into Your Body!

Heavy metals have been reported to be #carcinogenic, #mutagenic, and #teratogenic. They cause generation of reactive #oxygenic species (ROS) and thus induce oxidative stress. Oxidative #stress in organisms leads to the development of various #diseases and abnormal conditions. Heavy metals also act as metabolic poisons.

Chronic low-level exposure can lead to a wide array of problems, ranging from #neuropsychiatric disturbances such as aggressive behavior, #memory loss, #depression, #irritability, and learning #deficits, to physical manifestations such as liver and kidney dysfunction, fatigue, infertility, gout, hypertension, headache, and candida infections.

Chronic heavy metal poisoning can be challenging for both health care
providers and patients because the majority of clinicians are unlikely to suspect heavy metal toxicity as a cause of their patient’s problems due to a general lack of knowledge of this subject in the medical community.

#ArcaneAntipathy #1080p


A society that escapes from the fear imposed upon them will escape from the control imposed upon them.

Conspiracy Theorist is nothing more than a derogatory title used to dismiss a critical thinker.

" ...We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order." - David Rockefeller

A time is coming when men will go mad,
and when they see someone who is not mad,
they will attack him, saying,
"You are mad; you are not like us."

St. Anthony The Great
Virulent - "actively poisonous; intensely noxious"
Medicine/Medical - highly infective; malignant or deadly.
Bacteriology - causing clinical symptoms.
-violently or spitefully hostile.
-intensely bitter, spiteful, or malicious:
-a virulent attack."

#SkyTime #LapsingSanity

#LocalShine #MELTEDskies


#SkyMarshal #STARCROSSED #RadioActiveSOL
#ChokePoint #NOfreshAIR
#CthonianBlight #mobocracy #CriminalSyndicalism
#ViscousCircle #DominoEffect






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