TED WHEELER CONFRONTED !! - Portland, Tatum, Crowder, Fact Check

4 years ago

TED WHEELER CONFRONTED !! - Portland, Tatum, Crowder, Fact Check

Portland residents are angry that their city is being so poorly run. The over 100 days of violence there has left the street empty and dangerous, stores burnt and destroyed, and many people fleeing the city and the state!

Then Ted Wheeler bans the use of tear gas, shortly before protecting himself with pepper spay!!

Rules for thee, not for Ted Wheeler!!

It is sad to see all of this violence occur in our country, but interesting it is only happening in Liberal/Leftists run cities.

You don't see this happening in TEXAS!!! Wonder why that is?

Is it because the policies in place in these Socialist cities are self destructive and non-sustainable?

You be the judge. Antifa and BLM have no problem being the executioner!

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