Patents: are a locking key

3 years ago

Episode #10 pt2
Problem: Under the Deep State, corporate Roman Civil Codes have taken a priority over criminal Law & the Bill of Rights. ..Resulting in the war between Deep State actors/’persons’ & genuine men & women. All other wars-opposition are mere Elite’s creations to keep you off-guard, and from ever realizing it is you who are ultimately responsible for your own future.
Maybe the reason you don’t have free speech is because it is NOT in your privileges self-signed contract when you are a [*indebted] ‘person’/human resource. Only genuine men & women have rights---including the 10 Amendments/Bill of Rights.
* All legal ‘persons’ are indebted-incorporated under the One World Order.
You can purchase the e-book ‘Containment 322: 9-11 & Phoenix Lights’ which includes a re-print of one of my articles from 1994 ‘Armageddon Bulletin: The Awakening’ @ ‘322’ is the secret code # of Yale’s Skull & Bones [Dark Side] Order.

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