The Last Card (UFO Doc preview)

3 years ago

Ancient aliens has run for 14 seasons (via "Prometheus" Productions). CNN and FOX News are pushing UFO sightings. The Pentagon is releasing UFO files to the media. The stage is now set for the appearance of highly evolved ETs ready to not only take us to the next stage of a unified, utopian evolution (another fairy tale), but take credit for our very creation.

One of the last moves left for "them" to play is the alien card and they WILL play it. In this preview of part 1, Eddie Bravo introduces us to the plan to unite the world via an ET threat, dives into the history of this plan, and how it might be pulled off. More parts coming soon, so if you enjoy this video please subscribe, like it and share with others who might benefit. Thanks for watching!

"I do not believe anymore that UFOs are simply the spacecraft of some race of extraterrestrial visitors. This notion is too simplistic to explain their appearance, the frequency of their manifestations through recorded history, and the structure of the information exchanged with them during contact." - Dr. Jacques Valle

"An impressive parallel can be made between UFO occupants and the popular conceptions of demons. UFOs can project images or fabricated scenes designed to change our belief systems... human belief... is being controlled and conditioned, man's concepts are being rearranged, and we may be headed toward a massive change of human attitudes toward paranormal abilities and extraterrestrial life. - Dr. Jacques Valle

"Human beings are under the control of a strange force that bends them in absurd ways, forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of deception." - Dr. Jacques Vallee, Messengers of Deception, p. 20

Consider, "All warfare is based on deception." ~ Sun Tzu, The Art of War


Youtube for clips
Storyblocks for Music and Clips
Shoutout to @HiddenintheCrag for a specific clip

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