雪花本特利 Snowflake Bentley

3 years ago

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主題 Topic – 雪花本特利 Snowflake Bentley

“在所有形式的水中,被稱為雪的六角形微小冰晶在暴風雨期間在雲層中大量形成,是最美麗,種類最豐富的。”-威爾遜·本特利(Wilson Bentley,1865-1931年)

在將近一個世紀的時間裡,W。A. Bentley在佛蒙特州傑里科的工作室裡捕捉並拍攝了成千上萬的雪花,並向科學家和藝術指導者提供了他傑出作品的樣本。他精心準備的圖像是自然界中多樣性多樣性的顯著揭示:沒有兩個雪花是完全一樣的,但都基於一個共同的六邊形。

"Of all the forms of water the tiny six-pointed crystals of ice called snow,that form in such quantities within the clouds during storms, are incomparably the most beautiful and varied.." -- Wilson Bentley (1865-1931)

For almost a century, W. A. Bentley caught and photographed thousands of snowflakes in his workshop at Jericho, Vermont, and made available to scientists and art instructors samples of his remarkable work. His painstakingly prepared images were remarkable revelations of nature's diversity in uniformity: no two snowflakes are exactly alike, but all are based on a common hexagon.
In 1931, the American Meteorological Society gathered the best of Bentley's photos and had them published;

韻文 Chant – 雪花飄啊飄

Snowflakes, snowflakes dance around.

Snowflakes, snowflakes fall on the ground.

Snowflakes, snowflakes in the air.

Snowflakes, snowflakes everywhere.

簡單英文句子和單字 Sentences and words.
1. The boy loved snow more than anything.

2. He watched snowflakes fall on his mittens.

3. The snow was as beautiful as butterflies.

4. He studied the icy crystals.

5. He figured out how to photograph snowflakes.

6. Now we can see the beauty in a tiny crystal.

7. You are doing a great work.

購買此書Book information: https://www.amazon.com/Snowflake-Bent...

本特利先生的雪花集: https://www.amazon.com/Snowflakes-Pho...

雪花塗色頁面 Snowflakes coloring page: https://www.firstpalette.com/printabl...

下雪繪本推薦 Story book about snow : The Snowy Day https://www.amazon.com/Snowy-Day-Ezra...

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