Feeling Hopelessness?

3 years ago

#1MinuteEncouragement Feeling Hopeless? We can’t bloom hope out of a culture of doom and gloom. It is not going to happen that way. Do you want to bloom in hope as you sit in these dark times of chaos and injustice? Listen up. We can bloom in hope! Even in the drudgery of winter storms, we can bloom in hope. God shows us this through nature. There are beautiful flowers that bloom in the harsh winter elements. How? It depends on your root system. Are you deeply rooted in God and His Kingdom? This is how you will bloom, in and out of the victory Jesus has already given you, deeply rooted in Him, focused on God and all of His Perfection and being in His Living Word. If your theology is based upon cultural say-so, you are doomed not to bloom. If your theology is living and active in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, you are destined to bloom and it will be beautiful. God bless you Much! Bloom! #HeartTOHeart
Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/bloom/

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