My seeds just arraved and I have sowed some of them

3 years ago

I got a lot of seeds today on the mail offered to me by my friend Pennapa from Nakhon Si Thamarat.
I need to learn to be self sufficient because this #CovidHoax had teach me a big lesson that I expected to happen not on my lifetime. I was wrong, it's happening now on my lifetime.
I'm in Thailand on a #Plandemic lockdown for nearly 11 months. I learned a lot here for life.
A few days ago I come across THE ICE AGE FARMER. This guy knows about food and seeds shortage in the World. In the video he mentions USA and Canada to have seeds shortage soon. I'm from #Shitstralia where seeds importation is prohibited. People needs to be prepared for any worse event others then this already very devastating #CaronavirusPlandemic brought to us by the elites started in Wuhan China.
If you needs seeds I can mail to you. I am not interested in making money. I'm interested in helping people. I can receive payments in LBC cryptocurrency or deposited in my banks in Australia or in Thailand. Only pay the postage and the seeds and any other adherent like transportation and handling.
Let me know if I can help!

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