Canada Postal Worker Throws Asian Man Out Because I WON'T WEAR A MASK

3 years ago

As you all know I authored a book called MASKS ARE BULLSHIT!

When you amazing people purchasing I have to ship it. This means I have to go to Canada Post and endure the stupidity of people who believe that a by-law officer is going to give them a ticket because I won't wear a mask. You can hear the manager of this entire store say that on camera.

Nonetheless, when I return to pay for my shipping, they move in Asian men out of the way some I can pay first and leave sooner angering the man and he was right to be angry.

Then she throws some out of the store. You get that? She knows I won't wear a mask and in order to not get a ticket she angers a man by kicking him out of line to force me to pay so that I can leave sooner, he gets frustrated, voices his discontent and her reaction is not to apologize to him but is to throw him out of the store.

Customer service is not exactly at Canada Post strong suit, is it?


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