The Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul and Prayer for Christian Unity

4 years ago
The Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul and the Prayer for Christian Unity. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Dear Brothers and sisters. Today the Church celebrates the conversion of St. Paul. He who, from being a great persecutor of Christians, became the great Apostle of Christianity. The Apostle of the people, the gentiles, therefore of the pagans, the non-believers. And today is also the concluding day of the week of Prayer for Christian Unity, instituted in order to reunite once again all Christians in Christ, so that in the name of Christ there may be no more divisions but union, in the One begotten Spirit, who is God, one and triune. In order for all this to take place in full, so that unity may be achieved, it is necessary to restart precisely from Christ, love made Person, and remaining grafted in Christ love, to be able to love God and the brothers, in totality. Only by being baptized in the name of Jesus, Son of God, may there be salvation. Only by putting in practice His teachings and His commandments, one will be able to remain united and grafted in the love that saves, otherwise one risks remaining crushed in a fruitless and harmful rhetoric, where the greatest misunderstanding comes from the wrong understanding of those who generically say God is love. God who? God Jesus Christ, the Son of God or other? The fundamental means to live the true union in Christ, are prayer and fraternal union. Through prayer we must unceasingly nourish the spiritual dwelling that Jesus has placed within each one of us, at the time of Baptism, and then grow following the words that Jesus himself has taught us, in His prayer to the Father; the Our Father that no one can change from the original formulation of the Master. In the Our Father Jesus teaches us to relate to the Father, sanctifying His name, asking directly to the Father, that His Kingdom may come and that His will may be done, in heaven, on earth, that never the bread, both material and spiritual, be lacking, Jesus, living bread descended from heaven. That debts may be forgiven and remitted by the Father directly, promising to do the same on this earth with our debtors, asking finally not to be induced, led into the trial of temptation, but to be freed from evil and the evil one. This is the teaching and this is the prayer of Jesus, in which Christians today are called to join and unite, not to disperse themselves. Another fundamental way to unite is to live brotherhood, in Christ, with Christ and for Christ. Who recognizes Jesus Christ as the only Savior of the world, is our brother. Who instead does not recognize Jesus as the Son of God and Savior of the world, cannot be called brother of baptized Christians. But with them there must be a pact of reciprocal concord, that places at the center those non-negotiable values that are the foundation of the social doctrine of Christianity: the sacredness of life and the safeguarding of the family, the domestic Church and the founding cell of society. This in extreme synthesis; is to live the love of the One who became love for our salvation. To all be members in agreement in doing what the head, Christ teaches. To remain so grafted into the new tree, which invites to make us new, from above, in the only begotten spirit that gives eternal life. This is the timeless and eternal example that the Apostle Paul gave us; accepting to be thrown off the horse of his own human and religious convictions, in order to abandon himself to the will of the light descended from heaven, that light that first made him blind of everything that is worldly, in order to enlighten him from above, of all that belongs to God, the Father Almighty, who who has given Jesus, so that in Christ all may be one, in order to be saved. Saint Paul, remained docile to the voice of the spirit, abandoned himself to the One who is Light, in order to become an Apostle of Light,

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