Call of Duty WW2 | Campaign Pt.4: Trains, Dames, and Automobiles! (PS4 Pro HD Gameplay)

4 years ago

Dear Journal,
First, the good news: we- pardon, *I*- have completed the forcible *eviction* of the filthy nahzees who STOLE CHURCH and dared to sully God's house with their vile NAHZEE bullcrap existence. See, that's a euphemism. What I mean is I KILLED THEM ALL.
Every single evil NAHZEE in approximately a 100 mile radius was murdered to death. By me. In a multiplicity of ways.
Some of them got shot, some of them caught these hands, some of them got blown up, some of them got stabbed using Bill the Samurai's secret bayonet jutsu technique that he passed down to me, and some of them got PURGED IN HOLY FIRE. That was definitely my favorite. There was much maniacal laughter.

So yeah, I got rid of those dang Krauts and now God doesn't have to be homeless anymore because I rescued his house.

Well done, me. I hereby award myself a gold star. Actually, make it two gold stars. I earned it. True story.

Now the bad news: apparently the developers realized they're behind on their forced 'diversity' quota, so random wahmens are about to start showing up as nonsensical, out of place, pointless token non-characters shoehorned into the story, because... "reasons"...

Were I an insolent man, I would perhaps comment on the fact that of the 10 or so Allied Soldiers we encounter in the game for more than five seconds, and particularly of the 3 who are vaguely competent Soldiers, *2* are wahmens (the 3rd is me. So if we include only Non-Player Characters, then apparently ~100% of the Allies' combat effectiveness is supplied by wahmens. The entire Allied War Effort was *literally* fueled by girl power... ) However, of the *13.6 Million* Nahzee soldiers of the Wehrmacht/SS/et al, *0* are wahmens.

All of the nahzees are men, because of course they are.

So there's that.

Sgt. Kyle Jordan, USMC 'Alpha Legion',1st Company, Kill-Team 'Umbra'

PS- Unfortunately, that freaking hipster still hasn't died. I was hoping God would smite him to death as a bonus present for getting all those filthy nahzees out of his house, but no luck.
Wait, I've got it! The wahmens could totally use their eldritch witchcraft to shoot mind bullets at him or something. There must be some way I could... persuade... them...

Ohhh myyyy....


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