RPG Maker - Knox Game Design, June 2017

4 years ago

This month, Dylan (www.dylanwolf.com) presents RPG Maker:
Learn how to customize your RPG Maker VX Ace game using Ruby scripting. This presentation will cover RPG Maker’s (not always well-documented) scripting feature, assuming some basic knowledge of RPG Maker itself.

We’ll talk about what scripting can do, when it should be used instead of Events and other features, and some general strategies for skimming through and diving into the default project’s large code base.

Other discussion topics:
Show and tell
Momocon experience
Steam Direct
XBL Creators Program
Upcoming game jams

Hosted by
Joe Miller - http://doublesquarellc.com @DoubleSquareJoe
Dylan Wolf - http://www.dylanwolf.com @DylanWolf
Levi D. Smith - http://levidsmith.com @GaTechGrad
Jake Gillenwater - http://jakegillenwater.me/

Knoxville Game Design is a discussion of games currently being developed by game developers in the Knoxville and East Tennessee area, as well as an analysis of current topics in the gaming industry.

Information on Knoxville Game Design can be found at - http://knoxgamedesign.org/ @KnoxGameDesign
Subscribe on iTunes at - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/game-design-chat/id1084873107
Theme music - Ride by Pocketmaster

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